Simsion, Snoekstra and Wood to spill their writing secrets

One for the aspiring authors out there.

Elizabeth Quinn with Graeme Simsion | More on
DIY woman with Graeme Simsion at the launch of his latest book

DIY Woman loves a free event, especially one that includes wine, cheese and stimulating conversation. On Monday May 22, three of Melbourne’s most successful writers come together under the RMIT banner (they are all graduates of the professional writing and editing course there) to spill the beans on successful transformations from novel to film script. Ker-ching.

Regular DIYW readers will know of our fondness for Graeme Simsion. You can read more about him here in our 2015 interview – just before Hollywood came knocking on his door.

Simsion is now the proud author of not one but two in the Rosie series.

His most recent novel, The Best of Adam Sharp was published in September 2016His novel Two Steps Forward, co-written with partner Anne Buist, is soon to be published. We look forward to extending the love to Anna Snoekstra and Fiona Wood, and picking up any tips they may have on the art of writing in all its forms.

Invitation to the Script and Prose evening at RMIT Design HubSnoekstra’s Only Daughter has been sold in 20 countries and Wood’s Cloudwish was last year’s winner of the CBCA Book of the Year (Older Readers).

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