DIY woman with Graeme Simsion at the launch of his latest book
DIY Woman loves a free event, especially one that includes wine, cheese and stimulating conversation. On Monday May 22, three of Melbourne’s most successful writers come together under the RMIT banner (they are all graduates of the professional writing and editing course there) to spill the beans on successful transformations from novel to film script. Ker-ching.
Regular DIYW readers will know of our fondness for Graeme Simsion. You can read more about him here in our 2015 interview – just before Hollywood came knocking on his door. Continue reading →
The past two years have been the best I can remember.
I have consummated my passion for France and my passion for writing in one 24 month period. First I ran away to France for six months. Then I applied for the professional writing course of my dreams. Then I got in! I’m more than halfway through and I never want it to end. This story was first published in the February/March issue of The Victorian Writer. David Brooks, columnist for The New York Times, once said:
people who live with passion start out with an especially intense desire to complete themselves. Continue reading →