I reached a birthday milestone this year.
It’s the kind of milestone that attracts commiserations rather than congratulations. I don’t see it that way. I held a Sunset Soiree between the senior-friendly hours of 5pm and 9pm to watch the sun set on my youth.
Dress code was mutton dressed as lamb. What else? It gave me the chance to wear that inappropriately short dress I’ve never been game to wear in public. Oh and the fishnet stockings – but that was just to upset my children.
I celebrate having reached a new decade. It sure beats the alternative. My friend Wendy was diagnosed with motor neurone disease eight months ago. The disease progressed swiftly, robbing her of everything except her intellect. We both knew she wouldn’t be well enough to come to my party but she asked if she could hold off on her RSVP, just in case. It was typical of her spirit. She loved a get-together and a glass or three of bubbly.
The average life expectancy after a diagnosis of MND is two years. Wendy died two days ago. My friend Tanya sent me this text:
One thing for sure, Wendy knows we loved her. I’m so glad I’m open about how I feel about my friends. Just in case you don’t know, love you too.
I have written before about expressions of love. The past two days have only strengthened my resolve to ‘say it loud, say it clear‘. And to celebrate getting older surrounded by the people I love.
hear hear Liz! i have tears in my eyes… happy and sad. love you too xxx
Right back at you Susan x
Beautiful sentiments. Wendy loved her family, her friends and her active social life. Someone we’ll both miss very much. And I meant what I said in my text so glad I express my feelings to those I love. We all should.
And thank you for reminding me Tanya
Thankyou for writing and sharing this Liz. Permission taken to love a lot and say it more.
There’s no downside Ges. Great for both giver and receiver
Beautiful words Elizabeth. Sorry to hear about your friend Wendy, breaks my heart. Sending positive healing energy to you.
Thank you Kaylynn. All offers of healing energy gladly accepted.