Food and philosophy the French way

Dearest Darlings,

How goes it in cold wet old Melbourne?

Truth be told it’s a bit like that in my French hideaway today. I had plans of dusting off the bike and riding into Chinon for the English conversation and afternoon tea but it’s not looking likely at the moment. Maybe I’ll just stay inside and eat. I’m waiting for our bakery van to pull in so I can buy a baguette and a croissant – a very rare treat but it will taste delicious with my HOME MADE apricot jam. No your eyes do not deceive you – my cooking mojo has returned. It went walkabout after 25 years of doing it for a living. Now I can cook for the sheer joy of it – another reason to love my new French home.

cooking, mojo, apricot jam. France, Seuilly, travelling solo, diywoman,| See more at

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Taking on technology – the saga continues

DIY Woman has now fixed her internet problems…and this time it’s personal.

Seuilly, DIY, France, technology, wifi, travelling solo, travel, diywoman | See more at
Wifi extender and friend

With a little (a very little help) from Orange France, a wi-fi extender (not at all like seafood extender) and the National Australia Bank, your intrepid correspondent has prevailed over the technology that’s been out to get her from Day One. Not that she’s paranoid: she’s just very, very tired. Continue reading

DIY woman takes on technology…and wins

It’s once more into the breach for DIY head girl.

And here is my absolute most brilliant bit of DIY ever. DIY, Seuilly, France, technology, wifi, travelling solo, travel | See more at

It happened just this afternoon in Seuilly. Yes that’s Seuilly. France. Two days ago I moved from one slice of French paradise to another just five minutes down the road. My current abode is a light-filled self-contained apartment off the beaten track with a view to die for and a cute little bakery van that drops in twice a week with a fresh baguette.It is the perfect setting for a runaway writer except for just one thing: no wifi…

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